MSHSAA Physical and Pre-Participation Requirements


MSHSAA has revised its guidelines for required paperwork. Details are summarized below:


Please see the revised MSHSAA physical attached to this message. The top of each document indicates how each form is to be used.

Step 1 (the Medical History Form) must be completed by the student and parents/guardian and must accompany the student to the healthcare provider to complete the physical. It will be taken to a healthcare professional, who will keep it in the patient's files for their records.

Step 2 (Physical Examination Form) must be completed and retained by the healthcare professional.

Step 3 (the MSHSAA Medical Eligibility Form) must be completed and signed by the healthcare provider. The MSHSAA Medical Eligibility Form MUST be completed and returned to the school.

An active physical can still be valid for up to two years from the date the physical was received.  If the school already has an active physical on file, the school will continue to keep it on file, and a "new" physical will not need to be completed until the active physical expires.


MSHSAA now requires this annual documentation for ALL sports AND activities (including band and Scholar Bowl). Please see the attached copy of these "new" annual requirements.

It is important to sign and return all three pages of this document.

Page 1 (Interim Medical Update and Emergency Contact Information) must be completed and signed by the student and parent and returned to school prior to practicing.

Page 2 (Parent Permission) includes permission to treat, release medical/insurance information, and verify whether the student has healthcare insurance coverage or a healthcare expense payment plan.  Page 2 must be completed and signed by the parent and returned to school prior to practicing.

Page 3 (Student Agreement, Concussion Education Confirmation, and Injury Risk/Disclosure Statement) must be completed and signed by the parent and student and returned to school prior to practicing. Please review the attached concussion information.


In order to begin practicing with a team, a student MUST have (completed, and in the possession of either the athletic director or the head coach) all forms described above, or the student will not be allowed to begin practicing. This will be strictly enforced at the start of each season.

Band members will not be allowed to participate in activities beyond a typical school day until these requirements have been met. For example, a band member would still be allowed to practice during band class, but would not be able to participate in a Saturday parade.

Scholar Bowl members do not need a physical, but must submit the MSHSAA Pre-Participation Documentation before being allowed to practice.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I hope that you are having a great start to your summer!

Mike Kopec, Activity Director

Email Mr. Kopec
