About Cole County R-V School District:
- Passed Proposition Supporting Teachers in April 2024, for higher starting salaries to support teacher recruitment and retention.
- Passed Proposition FACTS bond issue in 2023 with 85% approval rating, which shows the support of the district by the local community.
- Named the 2020-2021 MARE Outstanding Rural School District.
- Conveniently located at the junction of Highway 17 and Highway 54 between Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City.
- PreK enrollment of nearly 60 students
- K-6 enrollment of nearly 315 students
- 7-12 enrollment of nearly 280 students
- Few discipline problems and a family-like atmosphere.
Job Opportunities
The Cole County R-V School District accepts applicants for coaching positions in the 2025-2026 school year.
- Head Varsity Volleyball
- Assistant Varsity Volleyball
- Middle School Volleyball
Requirements include the ability to work under a team concept with appropriate communication and organizational skills, the ability to work with students, teachers, and administrators, and knowledge and ability in the sport for which to apply.
To be considered for coaching positions, you must submit a 1) Letter of interest in the position, 2) Current resume, 3) Completed district application (found on the district website www.coler-v.k12.mo.us), 5) Copy of all college transcripts, and 6) A minimum of three letters of reference. Send applications to Mr. Michael Kopec, 14803 Highway 17, Eugene, MO 65032. These positions will remain open until filled.
Durham School Service seeks applications for substitute bus drivers. For more information, contact the Transportation Office at (573) 498-4000 x 1084.