Summer School Bus Routes & Menus


We're looking forward to seeing our Eagles for Summer School!

Please click the link below to view bus routes as of May 8. The tabs at the bottom have the complete bus routes listed and are designated by color:

  • PURPLE: Heritage Hwy, Beck Road, Peschang, Old Hwy 44
  • PINK: Sandy Fork, Fall Hill, Brown Road, Cassidy, Buffalo, Honey Creek, Crim
  • ORANGE: Tanner Bridge, Deer Run, South Teel, Route BB
  • GREEN: Hwy H, Hwy 17, Berry Street/Post Office, North Street.
  • BLUE: Hwy H, Sommerer Rd, Micderash, Boise Brule, Sunrise/Swift, United.
  • RED: Opie Road, Lake Carmel, Gray, Blochberger, Redfield.

NOTE: If you wish to register your child after May 8, please contact the elementary office directly at (573) 498-4002. Transportation may not be guaranteed on the first day of school.

Our food service menus are also listed below.
